Training Methodology

The teaching methodology is based on case studies, role plays, group assignments where participants learn from the instructor and from each other.Our endeavour is not only help participants pass certification but enable them to build competencies and skills that can be applied at their work place.The lectures are delivered based on the background, needs and aspirations of the participants to make sure that they meet their needs.

Our classes are highly interactive and based on experiential learning (learning from experience) . Participants can ask questions, request clarification or explanation when it’s needed and interact with a knowledgeable instructor who can help them understand concepts and terminology in terms of their own frames of reference

The class room sessions are used to explain difficult concepts, for practical learning, role plays, group assignments and team learning, personal interactions, replying to queries, having debates and points of views and all other activities that cannot be adopted in an online session. Trainers provide feedback on assignments and better ways of doing things and this can be achieved only in an interactive face to face discussion.
